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Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
3rd Floor DOST Main Building, DOST Compound,
General Santos Avenue,
Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines
P.O. Box 3569 Manila

TEL. NO.                        (632) 8377535 to 37, 8372071 to 82 loc. 2110 to 2113;
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Content Management

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Capabilities' Survey

ASEAN - NDI is conducting a survey of institutions involved in research and development (R & D), manufacturing, and production of drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, and traditional medicine. Data gathered from this survey will serve as inputs in mapping the capabilities of ASEAN-member countries and in assessing the needs of our region in R & D.

Who should fill out this questionnaire:
The recommended individual is any of, but not limited to, the following: (1) president/dean/ head of the institution; (2) senior research director; (3) head of program or unit conducting research; or (4) a researcher.


January - March 2015 Issue

October - December 2014 Issue

July - September 2014 Issue

April - June 2014 Issue