ASEAN - NDI LINK Newsletter Article Submission Guidelines


About the Newsletter:

ASEAN - NDI LINK Newsletter is the official newsletter of the ASEAN - Network for Drugs, Diagnostics, Vaccines and Traditional Medicine Innovations (ASEAN - NDI). It is released online quarterly: March, June, September, and December.


The ASEAN - NDI LINK Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit accepted submissions for length, content and style. Articles that require major grammatical or content revision will be returned to the writer for revision.

Preparation of article:

We accept only Microsoft Word file format. All acronyms and technical terms should be defined. Use only International System of Units as units of measurements. Use ‘Calibri’ or ‘Arial’ font type with font size of 12. The word limit is fixed to 400 words (excluding articles ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’ in counting), except for letters to editors with 200 words limit.


Articles can contain illustrations/pictures/charts/diagrams. Submit the image in either GIF or JPEG format. Provide also editable version of the illustration, if applicable. All images should be submitted with the highest resolution available. The image will be formatted as required for the article. Ensure that the images do not have any copyright or reproduction restrictions, and that you have the agreement of people appearing on the pictures. Include complete description captions of the illustration. Word count limit for the captions is 30 words.


Articles submitted in the ASEAN - NDI LINK can be a news article, or a feature article on research developments/innovations, technologies, methodologies, product development, health status report, country initiatives and others on the topics drugs, diagnostics, vaccines and traditional medicine. ASEAN scientists, who have significantly contributed to the improvement of health in our region, can also be featured. Articles published elsewhere will not be accepted.

Invitations for upcoming conventions/seminars/trainings, career opportunities, call for papers, and application for grants may also be submitted. For invitations, be sure to include complete details of the contact institution for inquiries.

Letters to the editor can also be submitted but word limit is only 200 words.

The ASEAN - NDI LINK Editorial Staff will acknowledge receipt of all submitted articles by e-mail. When submitting an article, provide the following contact information for all authors: full name, professional title and affiliation, and email address. Please underline the name of the corresponding author.

Deadlines and Submissions:

We accept submissions on a rolling basis between January 1st and February 15th (for publication in the March issue), April 1st and May 15th (for publication in the June issue), July 1st and August 15th (for publication in the September issue), and October 1st and November 15th (for the publication in the December issue). If possible, please notify the editor of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (i.e. January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st). The final submission deadlines for all materials are February 15th (March issue), May 15th (June issue), August 15th (September issue), and November 15th (December issue). Please note that earlier submissions will facilitate an enhanced review and revision process.

Submit your articles via e-mail to any of the following addresses: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
ASEAN - NDI Website:


Content Management

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Capabilities' Survey

ASEAN - NDI is conducting a survey of institutions involved in research and development (R & D), manufacturing, and production of drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, and traditional medicine. Data gathered from this survey will serve as inputs in mapping the capabilities of ASEAN-member countries and in assessing the needs of our region in R & D.

Who should fill out this questionnaire:
The recommended individual is any of, but not limited to, the following: (1) president/dean/ head of the institution; (2) senior research director; (3) head of program or unit conducting research; or (4) a researcher.


January - March 2015 Issue

October - December 2014 Issue

July - September 2014 Issue

April - June 2014 Issue